CDR CiderLab the easy-to-use analysis system to optimise your cider production process by obtaining results in real time.

Fermentable sugars analysis in cider

Yeasts use only fermentable sugars, glucose and fructose for the production of ethanol during fermentation. The control of the residual fermentable sugars during the process allows to follow the various stages until the end of fermentation. The analysis of total sugars is also an excellent parameter for determining the fermentative potential of the must.

With CDR CiderLab the determination of the fermentable sugars in the cider is based on the reference method, but it is easier and faster.

CDR made available a new fermentable sugars test, which allows to determine, in addition to the value of glucose and fructose, also the value of sucrose.


Test principle

The glucose and fructose present in the sample are determined enzymatically and therefore are not influenced by the presence of the remaining reducing sugars. The Redox reaction is read at 366 nm (end-point) and the value is directly proportional to the concentration of glucose and fructose in the sample.


The sucrose, when present in the sample, is determined enzymatically splitting it into glucose and fructose.


Calibration Curve

The calibration curve of CDR CiderLab, obtained using reference methods, confirms the excellent linearity of the system over the whole testing range.


Reagent test Kits

Fermentable Sugar GF

Fermentable sugars GFS


Measuring range

AnalysesMeasuring rangeResolutionRepeatability

The Analyzers for process and quality control in cider production


CDR CiderLab

  • Pannello di analisi completo, fornito già configurato
  • Fino a 16 determinazioni in contemporanea
  • Possibilità di compiere analisi sullo stesso campione
  • Stampante integrata
  • Connessioni complete (LAN - USB - bluetooth lettore barcode/qr code)

CDR CiderLab Jr

  • Pannello di analisi parziale, fornito configurato con 3 analisi a scelta, implementabile
  • Fino a 3 determinazioni in contemporanea
  • Collegamento wireless a stampante esterna
  • Connessioni USB