Department of Agricultural, Food, Environmentaland Animal Sciences of the University of Udine Italy, under the guidance of Dr. Stefano Buiatti, performed:

the evaluation of correlation between the results obtained using CDR BeerLab®  and those obtaibed with EBC (European Brewery Convention)  official methods
the evaluation of the correlation between the results obtained with the CDR BeerLab® and those obtained with the official methods of analysis on the parameters relating to the quality control of water used in brewing.

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Statistical analysis

To evaluate the correlation between CDR BeerLab® and official methods, Pearson correlation coefficient (r) and p-value were used (program CoStat 6.204, CoHort Software, Monterey Ca, Usa). Correlation was considered statistically significant with a p-value < 0,05.

Beer and Wort Analysis

The following parameters have been considered:

  • ABV (Alcohol By Volume): evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and Alcolyzer Beer Analyzing System (Anton Paar);
  • pH: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official EBC method (EBC 9.35);
  • Color: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official EBC method 9.6;
  • FAN (Free Amino Nitrogen): evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official EBC methods 8.10 and 9.10;
  • Fermentable sugars: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official EBC method 8.7;
  • Bitterness: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official EBC method 9.8;
  • Lactic acid: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and enzymatic kit from Megazyme (EBC method 9.34).

Wort and beer samples

28 beers have been analyzed. Different brands and beer styles have been considered in order to cover a wide range of values for the tested parameters.

In order to perform the analysis of fermentable sugars and evaluate the correlation of the analytical result obtained by HPLC analysis and that by CDR BeerLab®, twelve different musts were produced with different mash temperatures and formulations.

In order to perform FAN analysis and evaluate the correlation of the analytical result obtained with  the official analysis and that by CDR BeerLab®, six different musts were produced with different concentrations and formulations.

Results of evaluation study

The methods of CDR BeerLab® for beer analysis provided statistically correlated results (p <0.05) with low standard deviation values indicating good accuracy.


Water Analysis

Evaluation of the correlation between the results obtained with the CDR BeerLab®  and the official methods on the following parameters concerning the quality control of the water used in the beer production:

  • Calcium: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official spectrophotometric method using Merck kit reagents (Spectroquant® Calcium Test);
  • Magnesium: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official spectrophotometric method using Merck kit reagents (Spectroquant® Magnesium Test);
  • Potassium: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official spectrophotometric method using Merck kit reagents (Spectroquant® Potassium Test);
  • Chlorides: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official method (argentometric titration, Belli et al., 2003);
  • Sulphates: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and the official method (Belli et al., 2003);
  • Bicarbonates: evaluation of the comparison between CDR BeerLab® and official complexometric titration method (Belli et al., 2003);

Water Sample

Drinking water is normally classified by its level of total dissolved solids expressed as ppm (mg/L), which can normally vary between 50 to 1500 mg/L. Nineteen different waters (commercial and tap water) were analyzed in order to cover a wide range of water parameters.

Results of evaluation study

The methods of CDR BeerLab® for water analysis provided statistically correlated results (p <0.05) with low standard deviation values indicating good accuracy.


ArticleData image
WORT AND BEER ANALYSIS Correlation between CDR BeerLab® and official methods
