CDR CoffeLab analyzer for controlling fermentation processes, for defining the chemical profile of green beans, roasted coffee and the drink.

Determination of the alcohol content in the coffee fermentation process

The test of alcohol by volume allows to measure alcohol that can forms during fermentation. The analysis can be done on pulp or fermentation liquid.

The analysis carried out in the fermentation phase allow to control this delicate process and can be applied to the various types (natural, washed, honey, anaerobic, ...). They have the purpose of determining the right timing of the fermentation process and can give important indications to produce a coffee with the desired characteristics.


Test Principle

Ethanol, in an alkaline environment, is oxidized through an enzymatic reaction and converted in acetic aldehyde in presence of NAD+, which in turns produces NADH. The increase of the absorbance, measured at 366 nm (end-point), is proportional to the concentration of ethanol in the sample.


Reagent test Kits

Measuring range

AnalysesMeasuring rangeResolutionRepeatability

CDR CoffeeLab® the analysis equipment for the world of coffee from origins to roasting


CDR CoffeeLab®

  • Complete analysis panel, supplied already configured
  • Up to 16 determinations simultaneously
  • Possibility of carrying out analyses of the same sample
  • Integrated printer
  • Full connections (LAN - USB - Bluetooth barcode/QR code reader)