CDR FoodLab® is supporting Nutrition International in Pakistan

CDR FoodLab® is supporting Nutrition International in the implementation of the edible oil fortification program in Pakistan. With extensive capabilities in testing oils and fats, CDR FoodLab® has provided training and capacity building support to the personnel from the food authorities responsible for quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) of edible oil and its fortification. Particular importance has been given to the critical role of free fatty acid (FFA) values of oil in influencing the effectiveness and retention of vitamin A fortification, as demonstrated in a study published in the journal “Food Science and Technology” (Source: “Influence of free fatty acids on stability and bioaccessibility of vitamin A in fortified edible oils,” Food Science and Technology, 2018).

Nutrition International supports fortification of edible oil and wheat flour with essential micronutrients in Pakistan

Enhancing Nutrition Fortification in Pakistan: QAQC Edible Oil Analysis with CDR FoodLab®

Staple food fortification is ranked by the Copenhagen Consensus 2012 as one of the highest-return investments in global development. Nutrition International has been supporting fortification of edible oil and wheat flour with essential micronutrients in Pakistan, with an aim to address the issue of a high prevalence of micronutrient malnutrition among women and children in the country. NI support primarily includes building capacities of industry and public sector stakeholders on fortification processes and QAQC procedures. In order to build capacities of respective food regulatory bodies to ensure fortification of oil, Nutrition International has procured 13 sets of CDR FoodLab® analysis systems and provided them to the provincial food authorities.

Rapidly test FFA, peroxide value, iodine value, p-inisidine, and soap

CDR FoodLab® is a handy equipment and can be used in a non-laboratory setting to rapidly test FFA, peroxide value, iodine value, p-inisidine, and soap content in oils and fats. CDR FoodLab® has a strong presence in Pakistan through its local partner, Shadchem, which has played a crucial role in supporting the success of oil fortification initiative spearheaded by Nutrition International. Shadchem, a leading provider of food additives and ingredients in Pakistan, collaborated with Nutrition International in the provision and training of CDR FoodLab® equipment throughout the country. Moreover, Shadchem is also working with African government to include CDR FoodLab® in their testing regimes to support their fortification efforts.

CDR FoodLab® suppots Nutrition International in the implementation of the edible oil fortification program in Pakistan.
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The importance of assessing quality of edible oils to ensure adequate food fortification

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