CDR FoodLab®, the analytical system for oils and fats, was used during the study entitled “Analyses of the oxidative stability of deep-frying oils”, performed by Katharina D. Placke, Jan Fritsche (Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Department Ökotrophologie Hamburg) and Kim K. Kleeberg (Dr. Kim Kleeberg Umweltanalytik Hamburg) on behalf of the University of Hamburg. The results of the study were presented at the 6th edition of the Euro Fed Lipid Congress, held in Athens in 2008 and devoted to the theme of “Oils, Fats and Lipids in the Third Millennium: Challenges, Achievements and Perspectives”.

The aim of the study was to compare the oxidative stability of traditional sunflower oil with that of oil containing high levels of oleic acid (high oleic oil). The research focused on the assessment of several chemical parameters related to the behaviour of both oils during the deep-frying process. These parameters also included the determination of the variations of p-anisidine using CDR FoodLab®. CDR FoodLab® is in fact able to determine the content of p-anisidine in an oil or fat within 2 minutes without the need of using toxic reagents. Furthermore, with CDR FoodLab® you can test cooking oil in order to test Free Fatty Acids, Peroxide Value.

Testing Anisidine Value with CDR FoodLab® is easy, take a look!

ArticleData image
“Analyses of the oxidative stability of deep-frying oils“

Poster by the University of Hamburg
